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How we apply privacy policy at knee pads
The Privacy of our visitors is really very important for us. The reason we have implemented the privacy policy is to protect the information related to our visitors.
We assure you that we have implemented all the aspects of the below given policy in a true sense. You will find here that what information we have collected from you. including the information, you have provided to us while filling the various forms. How we will use this information and whether or not we share this information with anyone else.
The information we collected
We collected two types of information. The first type of information is there you provided yourself willingly. This is information you provide while filling the forms. This contains following
- Your name
- Email ID
- Mailing address
- Telephone number
- And other related demographic information.
This information can be identified from individual to individual.
The second type of information is more general and in contrast to the above information is not identifiable from person to person.
This contains the following information
- The time and the date when you accept our website
- The frequencies to use the website
- The pages you visited during the website visit
- The clips you made on the websites
- The timezone from which you belongs
- Your preferred language for visiting the website
- The screen resolution of your gadget on which you are visiting the website which can be your laptop mobile or personal computer or anything like that.
- The keyboard setting of your device
- Your history of using the internet including your profile pages and websites
- The search query you have entered to reach our website
- Your internet service provider
- Your mobile service provider in case you are accessing the website from the mobile
- The operating system of your device
- The browser you’re used to accessing a website
- The internet protocol address of the device you are using
- The page on which you exit from our website
Along with all this information we also track record of the communication with you. This includes the following information
- Your track record when you request for a specific service
- The comments you have passed to us
- The questions you have asked
- The problems you have reported
- The frequency to report this problem
You can access Google analytics that will provide you more in depth knowledge full stop than which data we are collecting from you. This will provide you the information even about the cookies. We show you that all the information we have collected is completely legal. We have collected in an enormous manner so that the privacy of our visitors should not be disturbed.
Even then if you feel any problem you may restrict our ability to collect the data. however in this case we cannot ensure the quality of the experience you have on our website.
Cookie policy
Cookie Is a small set of instructions that worked as a computer program with the help of your browser. We use several types of cookies all of these are listed here
Cookies for security
Through these cookies, we ensure that nobody violates the security policy and rules this includes accessing the part of the websites that are only accessible through special rights or another case proper authorization.
Cookies for localization
This includes converting the website in such a way that can provide you with a more personalized experience. by doing this we mean to provide the information on the website in your preferred manner. This may include changing the language of the website and the display of the website as per your settings the device you are using.
Router Cookies
These are the cookies that facilitate the flow of information between the server and your device.
Cookies help in the analysis
Some analytical cookies are used to assess your online activities and your marketing behavior. That helps the US and the third party to provide you with the most suitable ads.
Prevent the cookies from work
You may stop the cookies from work but do you remember in this case we are not able to provide you the full experience of website browsing. You can do this by manipulating the settings of your browser.
What we do with the information we collect
The information we collect can be used for one some or all of the following purposes.
- The information used for the website protection
- Improve the services provided by the website
- Serve the customer better as per their individual needs
- Provide the visitor with the most updated information in the form of information emails and trousers
- Provide the users with the data they desire to see even in the form of advertisements.
Information sharing policy
We never shared this information with anyone
- The name of the website visitor
- the personalized data like the email address mailing address name or other personal information is not shared
- IP address phone numbers and the communication between you and the business are not shared
We share this information with the third party
What people are looking for, what is the trend of the traffic, on which page the people stay, how much time they take to browse a certain category. The clips you made.
External website links
This is quite natural for a website to have external website links. As these are needed for several purposes. we would like to clear this to our visitors that the privacy policy of the external websites may be different from our privacy policy. therefore we are not responsible in case any harm is done to any visitor while visiting any external link. Although as a moral responsibility revealed, do utmost effort to protect our visitors even while they are visiting any external link that is given by our website.
Legal Requirements
if this is the legal requirement imposed by the law of the country in which we are operating that we need to provide certain information of our visitors to the law enforcement agencies. We are sorry we may need to provide this information to them. Even though we will try our best to provide as small information as possible to the law imposed agencies and institutions. but as a legal entity doing business in a legal way, this is our moral responsibility to share the information with the law enforcement agencies in case any illegal activity is being performed by our users.